
Little LLC

We are three speech-language pathologists with a love and passion for helping babies, toddlers and little ones develop language, communication and social skills. We offer private speech therapy, professional development, consultation services, and classes. Our 'baby/toddler & me' incorporate language-rich play, literacy, and sensory exploration to promote language and social development. Our mission is to provide families and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to help grow their child’s language in a fun and meaningful way. Class description:Led by a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist, a Little Talkers class is a great way to build both pre-verbal and verbal skills with fun and engaging activities for you and your little one. We use music, literacy, and sensory-motor activities to enhance joint attention, listening skills, vocalization, expressive language, turn-taking, and socialization through play. Each class utilizes meaningful gestures, baby sign language, and core words to expand communication skills in a meaningful way. Functional language is developed with routines, repetition, and multiple opportunities for practice within the class. Additionally, the instructor provides a "parenting tip" to focus on during each class and gives suggestions to facilitate language learning at home.